“Forever Free” Art Program

Inspiring Children to Draw Jesus’ Horse (Rev 19:11)

While Learning About Jesus: Their God, Savior, and Eternal Friend

Luke 18:16 – Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.

Mission “Not” Impossible


Peace Recipe

Gently Combine:

People, Art Supplies, Lessons, Snacks, & Sprinkle with Love

Frequently Asked Questions

“Forever Free” Art Program

Saving Souls, One Child at a Time

Dear Friend,

Our “Jesus Has A Horse Art Program” aims to reveal the divine worth of children through art, fostering a connection with God’s love and their inherent identity.

Your support is invaluable in shaping this journey, impacting lives profoundly.

Thank you for considering joining us.

Warm regards, Carl